In Their Hearts a Song
IN THIS EPISODE: Help from Hymnals
At the beginning of creation the angels sang unto the Lord, at the new creation the angels and saints will sing unto the Lord in heaven, and saved souls are exhorted to sing unto the Lord from new birth to the grave. (Job 38:7; Revelation 5, 14; Psalm 149:1) So, sing! Pour out your heart before the Lord in melody and meter.
At the beginning of creation the angels sang unto the Lord, at the new creation the angels and saints will sing unto the Lord in heaven, and saved souls are exhorted to sing unto the Lord from new birth to the grave. (Job 38:7; Revelation 5, 14; Psalm 149:1) So, sing! Pour out your heart before the Lord in melody and meter.
Show Notes:
- "Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy" by Sovereign Grace Music (https://sovereigngracemusic.org/)
- "Before the Throne of God Above" by Grace Community Church
- "I Asked the Lord that I Might Grow" by Sovereign Grace Music (https://sovereigngracemusic.org/)
Find more helps at www.ryanbush.org.
Hymn Stories is a part of the Media Gratiae Podcast Network.