Displaying 1 - 30 of 102 in total

Did Christ O'er Sinners Weep

Did Christ O'er Sinners Weep

IN THIS EPISODE: "Did Christ O'er Sinners Weep" by Benjamin Beddome (1717-1795)A poor parishioner of Mr. Beddome was entrusted with the care of the gentleman’s horse d...

How Bless'd Thy Creature Is, O God (Song)

How Bless'd Thy Creature Is, O God (Song)

"How Bless'd Thy Creature Is, O God" Arranged and Performed by Heath WaltonFind more helps for your soul at https://linktr.ee/gospelincontext. Hymn Stories is a part o...

How Bless'd Thy Creature Is, O God

How Bless'd Thy Creature Is, O God

IN THIS EPISODE: "How Bless'd Thy Creature Is, O God" by William Cowper (1731-1800)

Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God Almighty!

Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God Almighty!

IN THIS EPISODE: "Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty" by Reginald Heber (1783-1826)"I have never seen such tenderness, never such humble exercise of Christian love. Alas...

Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken (Pt. 2)

Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken (Pt. 2)

IN THIS EPISODE: "Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken" by Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847)Early one Sunday, two young men snuck into the loft to spy on the widow. They wanted t...

Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken (Pt. 1)

Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken (Pt. 1)

IN THIS EPISODE: "Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken" by Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847)How did the young woman act during the storm? With simple modesty; she was patient but...

There Is a Voice of Sovereign Grace

There Is a Voice of Sovereign Grace

IN THIS EPISODE: "There Is a Voice of Sovereign Grace" by Isaac Watts (1674-1748)"I sat all the evening just looking at that hymn. I did not hear your prayer. I did no...

Singing in Kenya (Pt. 3)

Singing in Kenya (Pt. 3)

IN THIS EPISODE: Excerpts from KenyaHymn Stories is a part of the Media Gratiae Podcast Network.

Jesus, Lover of My Soul (Short)

Jesus, Lover of My Soul (Short)

Hymn Stories is a part of the Media Gratiae Podcast Network.

Jesus, Lover of My Soul

Jesus, Lover of My Soul

IN THIS EPISODE: "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" by Charles Wesley (1707-1788)It is reported that Charles Wesley was sitting in his study one day when a little bird flew int...

Lord, It Belongs Not to My Care

Lord, It Belongs Not to My Care

IN THIS EPISODE: "Lord, It Belongs Not to My Care" by Richard Baxter (1615-1691)

Christ Leads Me Through No Darker Rooms

Christ Leads Me Through No Darker Rooms

IN THIS EPISODE: "Christ Leads Me Through No Darker Rooms" by Richard Baxter (1615-1691)

Sing Lustily! Sing Modestly.

Sing Lustily! Sing Modestly.

IN THIS EPISODE: Commanded to Sing and John Wesley's Rules for Methodist Singers

Crabbed and Black Tree of the Cross (Short)

Crabbed and Black Tree of the Cross (Short)

Hymn Stories is a part of the Media Gratiae Podcast network.

The Sands of Time Are Sinking (Song)

The Sands of Time Are Sinking (Song)

"The Sands of Time Are Sinking" by Anne Ross Cousin (1824-1906) and Samuel Rutherford (1600-1661)

The Sands of Time Are Sinking

The Sands of Time Are Sinking

"The Sands of Time Are Sinking" by Anne Ross Cousin (1824-1906) and Samuel Rutherford (1600-1661)

O Happy Day That Fixed My Choice

O Happy Day That Fixed My Choice

IN THIS EPISODE: "O Happy Day That Fixed My Choice" by Philip Doddridge (1702-1751)Jonathan Edwards wrote, “Be always greatly abased for your remaining sin, and never ...

Jesus, Where'er Thy People Meet

Jesus, Where'er Thy People Meet

IN THIS EPISODE: "Jesus, Where'er Thy People Meet" by William Cowper (1731-1800)“My time and thoughts much engrossed today by an afflicting and critical dispensation a...

I Lay My Sins on Jesus

I Lay My Sins on Jesus

IN THIS EPISODE: "I Lay My Sins on Jesus" by Horatius Bonar (1808-1889)

He Leadeth Me! O Blessed Thought

He Leadeth Me! O Blessed Thought

IN THIS EPISODE: "He Leadeth Me! O Blessed Thought" by Joseph Henry Gilmore (1834-1918)Joseph set out to give the congregation an exposition of the Twenty-third Psalm....

Abide With Me (Short)

Abide With Me (Short)

IN THIS EPISODE: "Abide With Me" by Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847)A peek into the production of a Hymns Stories episode. Find more helps at www.ryanbush.orgHymn Storie...

Abide With Me (Pt. 2)

Abide With Me (Pt. 2)

IN THIS EPISODE: "Abide With Me" by Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847)Was there ever a time when you were laboring alongside fellow Christians to fulfill a task that the L...

Abide With Me (Pt. 1)

Abide With Me (Pt. 1)

IN THIS EPISODE: "Abide With Me" by Henry Francis LyteDo you ever feel as though you are all alone? Christ has promised to be with his people until the end of the age....

Your Hymn Stories

Your Hymn Stories

IN THIS EPISODE: The hymns that warm your heart to Christ.  Find more helps at www.ryanbush.org. Hymn Stories is a part of the Media Gratiae Podcast Network.

Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun

Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun

IN THIS EPISODE: "Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun" by Isaac Watts (1674-1748)As the people remembered how they had been saved from cannibal horrors, one after anoth...

The King of Love My Shepherd Is

The King of Love My Shepherd Is

IN THIS EPISODE: "The King of Love My Shepherd Is" by H. W. Baker (1821-1877)Of all the hymns that have been crafted from Psalm 23, some say H. W. Baker’s is the most ...

God Moves in a Mysterious Way

God Moves in a Mysterious Way

IN THIS EPISODE: "God Moves in a Mysterious Way" by William Cowper (1731-1800)William Cowper suffered greatly throughout his life and this hymn in particular has been ...

Now All the Woods Are Sleeping

Now All the Woods Are Sleeping

IN THIS EPISODE: "Now All the Woods Are Sleeping" by Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676)On the slope of the hill stood a cottage, where a mother sat at the bed of her sick child...

My God, the Spring of All My Joys

My God, the Spring of All My Joys

IN THIS EPISODE: "My God, the Spring of All My Joys" by Isaac Watts (1674-1748)John Marrant recorded in his journal: "The next day as I preached to them again, the gir...

Ryan Bush