Displaying 31 - 60 of 102 in total

O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go

O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go

IN THIS EPISODE: “O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go” by George Matheson (1842-1906)“It was written in the Manse of Innellan one summer evening of 1882. It was composed wi...

He Who Would Valiant Be

He Who Would Valiant Be

IN THIS EPISODE: "He Who Would Valiant Be" by John Bunyan (1628-1688)"In a word, that man so told the story of Christian and his travels, that my heart fell into a bur...

A Melting Heart

A Melting Heart

IN THIS EPISODE: Hymns for a Melting HeartDoes your heart ever melt within you? Do you dread what might happen? Is your heart weighed down with cares? One of the ways ...

O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows (Song)

O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows (Song)

"O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows" by Thomas Haweis (1734-1820)

O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows (Short)

O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows (Short)

Hymn Stories is a part of the Media Gratiae podcast network.

O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows (Pt. 2)

O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows (Pt. 2)

IN THIS EPISODE: "O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows" by Thomas Haweis (1734-1820)On May 11, 1685 a large crowd of spectators gathered on the bank of the tidal river ...

O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows (Pt. 1)

O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows (Pt. 1)

IN THIS EPISODE: "O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows" by Thomas Haweis (1734-1820)O Thou, from whom all goodness flows,I raise my soul to Thee;In all my sorrows, conf...

I Gave My Life for Thee

I Gave My Life for Thee

IN THIS EPISODE: "I Gave My Life for Thee" by Francis Ridley Havergal (1836-1879)I was following very far off, always doubting and fearing. I think I had come to Jesus...

Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy

Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy

IN THIS EPISODE: "Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy" by Joseph Hart (1712-1768)Joseph Hart described his life as an uneasy restless round of sinning and repenting, workin...

Show Pity, Lord; O Lord, Forgive

Show Pity, Lord; O Lord, Forgive

IN THIS EPISODE: "Show Pity, Lord; O Lord, Forgive" by Isaac Watts (1674-1748)It was a time in England when laws against nonconformity to the state religion were enfor...

Here O'er the Earth as a Stranger I Roam

Here O'er the Earth as a Stranger I Roam

IN THIS EPISODE: "Here O'er the Earth as a Stranger I Roam" by C. W. Ainsworth (1817-1851)Many years ago there lived a coal miner in Staffordshire, England. He and his...

Commit Thou All That Grieves Thee

Commit Thou All That Grieves Thee

IN THIS EPISODE: "Commit Thou All That Grieves Thee" by Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676)Suddenly, there was a noise at the window. All eyes turned toward the sound, and they ...

Great High Priest We View Thee Stooping

Great High Priest We View Thee Stooping

IN THIS EPISODE: "Great High Priest We View Thee Stooping" by Joseph Hart (1711-1768)

With Heavenly Power, O Lord, Defend

With Heavenly Power, O Lord, Defend

IN THIS EPISODE: "With Heavenly Power, O Lord, Defend" by Rowland Hill (1744-1833)

Nearer, My God, to Thee

Nearer, My God, to Thee

IN THIS EPISODE: "Nearer My God to Thee" by Sarah Flower Adams (1805-1848)A dread crept into Ethel’s heart. “That’s not for me….It means the old-time martyrs." She tri...

Arise, My Soul, Arise

Arise, My Soul, Arise

IN THIS EPISODE: "Arise, My Soul, Arise" by Charles Wesley (1707-1788)In the year 1742, Charles Wesley wrote the hymn “Arise, My Soul, Arise.” This hymn has been an ai...

Weapons of War

Weapons of War

IN THIS EPISODE: A hymn is a little sermon that you carry with you. It is a weapon of war in our daily battle against the schemes of the devil, the condemnings of our ...

My Faith Looks Up to Thee (Pt. 2)

My Faith Looks Up to Thee (Pt. 2)

IN THIS EPISODE: "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" by Ray Palmer (1808-1887)The battle on the morrow went hard with the regiment to which these eight soldiers of the Cross a...

My Faith Looks Up to Thee (Pt. 1)

My Faith Looks Up to Thee (Pt. 1)

IN THIS EPISODE: "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" by Ray Palmer (1808-1887)I remember well that when I wrote the last line, “Oh, bear me safe above, A ransomed soul!” the t...

O Little Town of Bethlehem

O Little Town of Bethlehem

IN THIS EPISODE: "O Little Town of Bethlehem" by Phillips Brooks (1835-1893)Before dark, we rode out of town to the field where they say the shepherds saw the star. It...

Before the Throne of God Above (Reading)

Before the Throne of God Above (Reading)

IN THIS EPISODE: A reading and congregational singing of Charitie Lees Bancroft's "Before the Throne of God Above"

Before the Throne of God Above

Before the Throne of God Above

IN THIS EPISODE: "Before the Throne of God Above" by Charitie Lees Smith (1841-1923)It appears that Charitie Lees Smith’s hymn “Before the Throne of God” was especiall...

There is a Fountain Filled with Blood (Pt. 3)

There is a Fountain Filled with Blood (Pt. 3)

IN THIS EPISODE: Wrapping up season two, and three tidbits about William Cowper (1731-1800)

There is a Fountain Filled with Blood (Pt. 2)

There is a Fountain Filled with Blood (Pt. 2)

IN THIS EPISODE: "There is a Fountain Filled with Blood" by William Cowper (1731-1800) & "The Man on the Middle Cross" by Alistair Begg Show Notes: "Sun" by Alan Spilj...

There is a Fountain Filled with Blood (Pt. 1)

There is a Fountain Filled with Blood (Pt. 1)

IN THIS EPISODE: "There is a Fountain Filled with Blood" by William Cowper (1731-1800) When Cowper was 7-years-old, he was singled out as the target of the cruel and r...

Behold the Amazing Sight

Behold the Amazing Sight

IN THIS EPISODE: "Behold the Amazing Sight" by Philip Doddridge (1702-1751)

More Love to Thee, O Christ

More Love to Thee, O Christ

IN THIS EPISODE: "More Love to Thee, O Christ" by Elizabeth Prentiss (1818-1878)Once in 1873, while she was in Dorset, Elizabeth wrote to a friend, saying, “To love Ch...

Be Thou My Vision (Short)

Be Thou My Vision (Short)

IN THIS EPISODE: "Be Thou My Vision"Show Notes: "Hemel" by Sjors MansFind more helps at www.ryanbush.org. Hymn Stories is a part of the Media Gratiae Podcast Network.

Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou My Vision

IN THIS EPISODE: "Be Thou My Vision"Show Notes: Scott Aniol's Article: https://religiousaffections.org/articles/hymnody/a-better-way-to-sing-be-thou-my-vision/"Hemel" ...

What is the point of singing in the church?

What is the point of singing in the church?

IN THIS EPISODE: Encouragement for Singing in the Local Assembly As it's good to prepare your heart for the sermon, it's good to prepare your heart to sing on Sunday! ...

Ryan Bush