Displaying 31 - 60 of 102 in total

O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go
IN THIS EPISODE: “O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go” by George Matheson (1842-1906)“It was written in the Manse of Innellan one summer evening of 1882. It was composed wi...

He Who Would Valiant Be
IN THIS EPISODE: "He Who Would Valiant Be" by John Bunyan (1628-1688)"In a word, that man so told the story of Christian and his travels, that my heart fell into a bur...

A Melting Heart
IN THIS EPISODE: Hymns for a Melting HeartDoes your heart ever melt within you? Do you dread what might happen? Is your heart weighed down with cares? One of the ways ...

O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows (Song)
"O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows" by Thomas Haweis (1734-1820)

O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows (Short)
Hymn Stories is a part of the Media Gratiae podcast network.

O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows (Pt. 2)
IN THIS EPISODE: "O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows" by Thomas Haweis (1734-1820)On May 11, 1685 a large crowd of spectators gathered on the bank of the tidal river ...

O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows (Pt. 1)
IN THIS EPISODE: "O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows" by Thomas Haweis (1734-1820)O Thou, from whom all goodness flows,I raise my soul to Thee;In all my sorrows, conf...

I Gave My Life for Thee
IN THIS EPISODE: "I Gave My Life for Thee" by Francis Ridley Havergal (1836-1879)I was following very far off, always doubting and fearing. I think I had come to Jesus...

Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy
IN THIS EPISODE: "Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy" by Joseph Hart (1712-1768)Joseph Hart described his life as an uneasy restless round of sinning and repenting, workin...

Show Pity, Lord; O Lord, Forgive
IN THIS EPISODE: "Show Pity, Lord; O Lord, Forgive" by Isaac Watts (1674-1748)It was a time in England when laws against nonconformity to the state religion were enfor...

Here O'er the Earth as a Stranger I Roam
IN THIS EPISODE: "Here O'er the Earth as a Stranger I Roam" by C. W. Ainsworth (1817-1851)Many years ago there lived a coal miner in Staffordshire, England. He and his...

Commit Thou All That Grieves Thee
IN THIS EPISODE: "Commit Thou All That Grieves Thee" by Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676)Suddenly, there was a noise at the window. All eyes turned toward the sound, and they ...

Great High Priest We View Thee Stooping
IN THIS EPISODE: "Great High Priest We View Thee Stooping" by Joseph Hart (1711-1768)

With Heavenly Power, O Lord, Defend
IN THIS EPISODE: "With Heavenly Power, O Lord, Defend" by Rowland Hill (1744-1833)

Nearer, My God, to Thee
IN THIS EPISODE: "Nearer My God to Thee" by Sarah Flower Adams (1805-1848)A dread crept into Ethel’s heart. “That’s not for me….It means the old-time martyrs." She tri...

Arise, My Soul, Arise
IN THIS EPISODE: "Arise, My Soul, Arise" by Charles Wesley (1707-1788)In the year 1742, Charles Wesley wrote the hymn “Arise, My Soul, Arise.” This hymn has been an ai...

Weapons of War
IN THIS EPISODE: A hymn is a little sermon that you carry with you. It is a weapon of war in our daily battle against the schemes of the devil, the condemnings of our ...

My Faith Looks Up to Thee (Pt. 2)
IN THIS EPISODE: "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" by Ray Palmer (1808-1887)The battle on the morrow went hard with the regiment to which these eight soldiers of the Cross a...

My Faith Looks Up to Thee (Pt. 1)
IN THIS EPISODE: "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" by Ray Palmer (1808-1887)I remember well that when I wrote the last line, “Oh, bear me safe above, A ransomed soul!” the t...

O Little Town of Bethlehem
IN THIS EPISODE: "O Little Town of Bethlehem" by Phillips Brooks (1835-1893)Before dark, we rode out of town to the field where they say the shepherds saw the star. It...

Before the Throne of God Above (Reading)
IN THIS EPISODE: A reading and congregational singing of Charitie Lees Bancroft's "Before the Throne of God Above"

Before the Throne of God Above
IN THIS EPISODE: "Before the Throne of God Above" by Charitie Lees Smith (1841-1923)It appears that Charitie Lees Smith’s hymn “Before the Throne of God” was especiall...

There is a Fountain Filled with Blood (Pt. 3)
IN THIS EPISODE: Wrapping up season two, and three tidbits about William Cowper (1731-1800)

There is a Fountain Filled with Blood (Pt. 2)
IN THIS EPISODE: "There is a Fountain Filled with Blood" by William Cowper (1731-1800) & "The Man on the Middle Cross" by Alistair Begg Show Notes: "Sun" by Alan Spilj...

There is a Fountain Filled with Blood (Pt. 1)
IN THIS EPISODE: "There is a Fountain Filled with Blood" by William Cowper (1731-1800) When Cowper was 7-years-old, he was singled out as the target of the cruel and r...

Behold the Amazing Sight
IN THIS EPISODE: "Behold the Amazing Sight" by Philip Doddridge (1702-1751)

More Love to Thee, O Christ
IN THIS EPISODE: "More Love to Thee, O Christ" by Elizabeth Prentiss (1818-1878)Once in 1873, while she was in Dorset, Elizabeth wrote to a friend, saying, “To love Ch...

Be Thou My Vision (Short)
IN THIS EPISODE: "Be Thou My Vision"Show Notes: "Hemel" by Sjors MansFind more helps at www.ryanbush.org. Hymn Stories is a part of the Media Gratiae Podcast Network.

Be Thou My Vision
IN THIS EPISODE: "Be Thou My Vision"Show Notes: Scott Aniol's Article: https://religiousaffections.org/articles/hymnody/a-better-way-to-sing-be-thou-my-vision/"Hemel" ...

What is the point of singing in the church?
IN THIS EPISODE: Encouragement for Singing in the Local Assembly As it's good to prepare your heart for the sermon, it's good to prepare your heart to sing on Sunday! ...